
The Department of 心理学 offers the two 小s listed below.  Please follow the links to learn more.

BEFORE contacting an advisor, watch the following video which describes the process involved in declaring or changing your 小 to 心理学. NOTE: Addition of MINOR discussion begins at approximately 12:48 until the end.

IMPORTANT: Details for ADDING OR CHANGING your MINOR  to 心理学 discussed in video (starts at approximately 12:48 in video). 下面的总结.

  1. Review the requirements f或者是 Minor in 心理学 或者是 Human Systems Integration (HSI)

  2. 运行一个 “如果” degree progress report from your 学者 page on My菠菜网lol正规平台 (see video for instructions)

    1. UPDATE: To access the "What if" report, go to your 学者 page on My菠菜网lol正规平台. 点击 在 3 DOTS at the top right hand corner of the box. From drop-down menu, click on "What-if Report"; on next page, click on "Create New Report". Follow instructions in video.

  3. Meet with a 心理学 major advisor to request an official addition of a MINOR in 心理学 or in Human Systems Integration (HSI)

If you have additional questions, go to the 心理学 Advising 主页 for advisors’ availability & how to get advising (in-person, online via Zoom, or 通过电子邮件).