
2020 American Planning Association Student Project Awards and APA NorCal Academic 优秀奖

Diridon到Downtown Cover 上海州立大学城市规划硕士学生的项目获得了两个奖项 市区转型:社区评估报告[pdf]. 的 year-long research and community engagement effort was carried out in the 2018-19 capst一个 Community Design Studio (URBP 295) led by professors Rick Kos and Jason Su.


停车间距到生活空间 城市规划硕士校友William Chapin的获奖报告, 停车 Spaces to Living Spaces: Reform and 住房 Affordability in Central San Francisco [pdf], identifies a change in planning field’s attitude toward vehicle parking demands. Bill’s study takes a close look at the relationship between transportation, housing, and the demand of the people of central San Francisco, aligning with the Council of 大学交通中心(CUTC)的使命.

2017 APA加州海报大赛

停车改革和住房负担能力:旧金山的经验教训 MUP校友,威廉·查平,赢得了APA海报比赛,他的作品题为 “停车改革 & 住房负担能力:来自旧金山的教训.“[pdf] 祝贺你,比尔!

2017 APA California, Northern Section, Academic 优秀奖, East Santa Clara 城中村项目

2017 APA CA大奖 MUP students, faculty, and community 成员 were honored to receive the 2017 Academic 优秀奖 from APA California, Northern Section for their work on in the 圣何塞的东圣克拉拉城中村项目.

2016 APA California, Northern Section, Academic 优秀奖, Greater Washington 社区之声/社区之声报告

2016 APA CA北段奖 MUP students, faculty, and community 成员 were honored to receive the 2016 Academic Award of Merit from APA California, Northern Section for their work on in the Greater 圣何塞的华盛顿社区.


Three MUP students received scholarships and recognition as part of the California 2014年规划基金会年度奖学金竞赛.

  • 凯文·施罗德,CPR纪念奖学金
  • 黎泰洲,CPR纪念奖学金
  • 杰西·布里斯托,肯·米拉姆奖学金
  • 尼克·斯图尔特,北区奖学金


2015 APA CA分会奖 Rebecca Walters was awarded the 2015 American Planning Association California Chapter 她最后的硕士项目优秀奖,题目是 Walking and Cycling in San Francisco: Identifying Underserved Locations that are Particularly 通过对行人和自行车的调查来接受非机动交通. [pdf]

Council of University Transportation 中心, Neville Parker Award in Policy and Planning, 2015


Rebecca Walters was awarded the 2015 Council of University Transportation 中心' Neville Parker Award in Policy and Planning, an award for the best non-thesis paper 在运输中提交给M.S. 学位代替论文,在这些领域 的政策 & 规划与科学 & 技术. 她的项目名为, Walking and Cycling in San Francisco: Identifying Underserved Locations that are Particularly 通过对行人和自行车的调查来接受非机动交通 [pdf].

2014 APA California, Northern Section, Academic Award of Merit, Spartan-Keyes Neighborhood 评估及社区参与报告

APA CA北段奖 MUP students in URBP 201/203 were honored to receive the 2014 Academic Award of Merit from APA California, Northern Section for their work on an analysis of Spartan-Keyes, 圣何塞北部的一个社区.

海伦M. overlememorial奖学金,领导力遗产研究生奖学金,女性奖学金 交通研讨会(WTS), 2013

劳伦Seyda 劳伦Seyda, MUP '14, was awarded the Leadership Legacy 研究生 Scholarship and 海伦·M. 女子交通协会颁发的奥弗利纪念奖学金 

研讨会(WTS). 领导力遗产基金的成立是为了纪念过去, present, and future leaders of WTS by awarding an annual scholarship to female graduate 从事交通运输行业的学生. 海伦·M. 过度纪念奖学金 was established in 1981 to encourage women pursuing career paths in transportation.


Six MUP students received scholarships and recognition as part of the California Planning 2013年基金会年度奖学金竞赛.

  • 玛丽亚·哈维尔,优秀学生亚军
  • 艾玛·里德,CPR纪念奖学金
  • 艾丽莎·帕兹,CPR纪念奖学金
  • 劳伦Seyda, CPF北段奖学金
  • 维罗妮卡弗洛雷斯,肯米拉姆奖学金
  • 林嘉欣,荣誉奖

罗伯特一个. 卡特林/ David W. 长期纪念奖学金,APA计划和黑人社区 分部,2012年荣誉奖

J.麦格劳 以忠诚的规划师和PBCD长期成员的名字命名. 卡特林/大卫 W. Long Memorial Scholarship is designed to foster an increased interest in the profession 黑人学生对城市规划的兴趣. 2012年,APA规划和黑人社区 Division (PBCD) honored Johnasies 麦格劳 as an Honorable Mention winner – the first 这是PBCD有史以来第一次授予他奖学金和荣誉奖.


莎拉计费 莎拉计费 received the "Environmental Champion Award" from 菠菜网lol正规平台's Associated Students for her demonstrated leadership and involvement in campus and community life, and her passion for environmental sustainability and fostering awareness and the education 她在环境问题上的同僚们.

2012 Northern Section, APA California Best Practices Awards, for “A 停车 Utilization Survey of 圣克拉拉县以交通为导向的开发住宅物业”

温顺的塞拉芬 这 report by students in URBP 256 (Spring 2010) led by their instructor, Eduardo C. 塞拉芬,体育和研究生研究助理,贾斯汀·米克,再次被认可 卓越的规划. 除了ITE奖(如下所述),该项目 被美国心理学协会加利福尼亚分部授予最佳实践奖.

2011 ITE 停车 Council Best Practices Award for “A 停车 Utilization Survey of 圣克拉拉县以交通为导向的开发住宅物业”

VTA封面 Students in our URBP 256 course (Spring 2010) was selected to receive the Institute 2011年交通工程师(ITE)停车委员会最佳实践奖. 的 由他们的指导老师Eduardo C. Serafin, PE, AICP,进行了联合研究 collaborative research project with the Santa Clara Valley Transportation Authority (VTA). 这个具有竞争力的国家级专业奖项旨在表彰高质量, 由学生团队进行的前沿交通规划研究. 的菠菜网lol正规平台 研究小组与李先生密切合作. 罗伯特W. swerk, AICP和Ms. 应C. VTA交通规划的AICP & 拥塞管理科. 这 highly successful collaborative research project with VTA exemplifies the 城市 and 区域规划 Department's commitment to engaging faculty and students in public service projects designed to assist local communities in addressing topical planning issues, while complementing the academic curriculum with real-world professional experiences.


萨拉亚伯 萨拉亚伯, MUP '11, received a Dwight David Eisenhower Transportation Fellowship 研究生最后一年(2010-2011)获得DDETFP项目奖. 萨拉的 research focused on very low-income residents in San Jose and their attitudes towards 公交车.

2010 APA加州分会杰出领袖奖学生策划

贾斯汀温顺 贾斯汀温顺, MUP '10, received a 2010 APA California Chapter Distinguished Leadership 学生策划奖.

2010年CCAPA学术奖 of Excellence, Alviso, California: Community Assessment 与城市设计分析

2010年CCAPA学术奖 MUP students in URBP-201/203 were honored to receive the 2010 Academic Award from the Northern California APA section and state-level APA for their work on an analysis 阿尔维索是圣何塞北部的一个社区. 结果报告的标题是“阿尔维索, 加州:社区评估与城市设计分析.在挑选学生时 work, the nominating committee noted that the students played an extremely important role as "ambassadors" of good planning throughout their engagement with community 成员. 然而,阿尔维索的许多居民往往不愿与城市接触 staff due to language barriers or concerns related to environmental justice, the community residents were more than pleased to work directly with our students to communicate 他们对社区改善的关注和渴望. 开放和协作的本质 of the planning process employed by the class went a long way in gaining wide community 接受不同利益集团之间改进的对话.

海伦M. 女性交通研讨会(WTS)


艾德丽安海姆, MUP '11,被授予海伦M. 奥弗利纪念奖学金 妇女交通研讨会(WTS). 海伦·M. 过度纪念奖学金 was established in 1981 to encourage women pursuing career paths in transportation.